Every pharmacy has the opportunity to run a health check events, talk to a local group or go to a school careers fair. Hiring or buying display boards etc can be expensive, but UCA members can hire a full kit from UCA which includes a large display board, folding tables and chairs, roll-up banners, health-check equipment, record sheets & SOPS.

We have a large selection of leaflets on diabetes, blood pressure, cancer, heart disease, diet & exercise, minor ailments, MURs, etc. Plus, UCA produces a leaflet on pharmacy careers which is useful if talking at your local schools.

A range of presentations are also available to download from ShareSpace on www.uca.org.uk. UCA members regularly use these to deliver health promotion talks to local groups or businesses. The range is still being developed, so if there’s a topic you would like to suggest, just give us a ring or email support@uca.org.uk.

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